Defensible Space is based on 3 Zones around your house and other buildings. Be creating defensible space you give the fire department a better change of saving your house in the event of a wild fire.
Immediate Zone 0-5ft
Long standing residents and newcomers alike are requested to clear a safe and defensible area
five feet around structures on their property, from the furthest attached exterior point of their
home or structure.
• Remove flammable materials away from this area; including mulch, flammable plants,
green waste (leaves, weeds, trimmings, brush), stacked wood, and any other
• Do not stack firewood or other combustibles against the structure.
• Clear invasive weeds and plants from this area regularly.
• Keep gutters and your roof clear of dead leaves and debris.
• Prune trees at least ten feet from chimneys.
• Repair or replace damaged tiles, screens, and keep vents clean and clear of debris. 1/8
inch metal mesh screening is recommended to reduce embers.
• Remove belongings being stowed under decks or porches.
Intermediate Zone 5-30ft
5-30 feet from the furthest exterior part of the home is the Intermediate Zone. Integrating
breaks and clearing space in this zone can influence and help to decrease fire behavior.
• It is suggested to keep native grasses and lawns in this area trimmed to a maximum
height of 4 inches.
• Clear flammable plant matter and green waste debris from under and nearby large
stationary propane tanks.
• Remove ladder fuels (flammable plants and items) from beneath tree canopies.
• Consider and create fuel breaks such as walkways, paths, and driveways to deter the
spread of a fire, should one occur on the property.
Additional Landscaping Considerations:
• If possible, space trees with a minimum of 18ft between them.
• It is recommended trees and shrubs in this zone be limited to small, spaced-out clusters.
This creates spatial breaks between flammable materials.
• Consider tree placement so mature canopies are further than ten feet away from
structures on the property.
• Prune trees (tall enough) six to ten feet from the ground.
Extend Zone 30-100ft
These are defensible space precautions to take 30- 100 feet, and beyond, on the property.
• Don’t let flammable plant material or garbage accumulate in heaps or piles.
• Remove dead plant and tree material (including packrats nests) from the property.
• Clear flammable vegetation from surrounding structures.
• Make a 6ft cleared space at the base of saguaros.