Since the beginning of modern day printing with the Gutenberg Press (1455), never has so glorious a collection of the kingdom’s greatest printed works, surrounding, and including the 1611 King James Bible, been assembled in one place WITH the highest degree of cutting edge King James Bible revelation and visual explanation of its concealed miracles and wonders and signs.
This is not a typical “behind glass” museum but one that engages its visitors in the spirit as they HANDLE these books with their own hands! Imagine holding in your own hands the greatest book in the world, hundreds of years older than the United States of America!
And not only are you face to face with these books, but you are video interacting with secrets that the 1611 King James Bible has been holding to itself for hundreds of years until our day!
Imagine turning the page of a book that is more than 400 years old and simultaneously gaining insights of revelation from it that even today’s most respected pastors and scholars have never seen? This is what you will experience!